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AWS Certification Training in Mumbai

IPsolutions provides training courses for AWS certification, including the most common, i.e. AWS Technical Essentials and Architecture on AWS, which helps students make informed decisions on business-based IT solutions course. Using hands-on learning, students can acquire new and realistic AWS skills. Training courses for Amazon Web Services are the training courses that were designed to train the students on Amazon Web Services and their related roles and features. Students will learn about the AWS services and products.

40 hrs

Classroom Training


  1. Gettiing started with AWS
    What is Cloud Computing?
    AWS Certification
    AWS Product and Services
    AWS Global Infrastructure and its benefits
    AWS Regions
    EC2 and EC2 Instances
    EC2 Purchasing Options
  2. Amazon EC2
    EC2 Instance
    Security Group
    Create Security Group
    Ubuntu and Windows Instance
  3. Storage Service & AWS CLI
    Traditional Storage Tiers
    Cloud Storage
    Type of AWS Storage & Storage options
    AWS Storage Services
    EBS, EBS Volume and EBS Storage
    S3 (Simple Storage Service)
    AWS Glacier Service
    AWS Storage Gateway
    AWS Snowball Service
    AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)
  4. Virtual Private Cloude & Direct Connect
    VPC & Components of VPC
    Direct Connect
    CIDR Notations
    VPC Components
    Benefits of VPC
  5. Data Base Services
    Amazon RDS
    Benefits of RDS
    Types of databases instances
    Amazon Aurora
    Amazon DynamoDB
    Amazon RedShift ElastiCache
  6. Elastic Load Balancing & Auto Scaling
    Load Balancer
    Auto Scaling
  7. Route 53 & Management Tools
    Domain Name & DNS Server
    Auto Scaling
    Route 53
    Management tools in AWS
  8. Application Servies, AWS Lambda & Elastic Beanstalk
    Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)
    Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
    Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)
    AWS Lambda
    AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  9. OpsWorks, Security & Identify Services
    OpsWorks Security & Identity Services
    Components of AWS OpsWorks
    Security & Identify Services
    Key Management Service

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